Heads Rising
A practical and supportive programme for new headteachers and those aspiring to headship that will help you achieve tangible change in your day-to-day leadership practice.
You can expect to be both inspired and challenged, and to complete the programme with powerful new insights into your own leadership practice and potential, new energy and confidence in navigating towards or through headship, and a wonderful new support network of fellow leaders.
The programme aims to:
Develop leadership mindsets and behaviours that will unlock new levels of personal agency and impact
Boost your confidence and the way others see you as a leader
Enhance your ability to influence and successfully lead others, within your school and beyond
Expand your leadership toolkit with a range of tried-and-tested tools and approaches relevant to your everyday leadership challenges
Create a supportive network of peers to support and stretch each other

Our approach
Leadership is not a spectator sport! This is an experiential programme that will enable you to discover helpful frameworks and tools that stimulate insight and don’t over-complicate, and then apply these to your own particular leadership challenges and priorities.
Our programme ...
- Is grounded in a unique understanding of the leadership mindsets and behaviours that make the biggest difference, and what it takes to develop these.
Is delivered by highly skilled professional leadership coaches and facilitators, with a wealth of experience working with school leaders.
- enables you to share insights, experience and mutual encouragement with a supportive group of peers.
offers practical advice from experienced headteachers on how to navigate headship, career development and the system.
Is focused on making leadership personal and relevant to your context and needs.
will give you a clear sense of your own leadership strengths and areas for development, and an opportunity to explore your own mindsets, motivations and derailers.
The programme runs over a 10-month period and is built around three modules. Each module includes:
- An all-day (in-person) leadership workshop in London for the whole cohort
- Two small group coaching sessions (virtual) to reflect on practical application and share learning
- A 1:1 coaching session (virtual) to deepen personal insight and focus on your particular leadership challenges
- Practical visit days with action learning sets and inputs from experienced headteachers
- Leadership insight and reflection materials