Upcoming Webinars - Spring 25
Leadership webinars for our school, college and trust leader alumni
Join us for these free webinars to gain fresh insights, useful tips, and actionable strategies on some hot leadership topics and challenges
We are delighted to offer an ongoing webinar series with our expert leadership coaches and other guests. See below for a summary of upcoming sessions and to book your place. We will then send you a calendar invite with the Zoom link and a reminder nearer the time. Our webinars are intended to provide practical tips and strategies and most of our speakers and facilitators will invite you to join in the conversation and to reflect on your own experience and the insights shared in the context of your own leadership. Some will also offer opportunities to practise key tools and approaches with your peers in breakout rooms, so please come along prepared to participate. You'll find bios of the webinar speakers and facilitators at the bottom of the page.
Topics are drawn from the leadership challenges that we know school, college and trust leaders often find tricky. If there's a particular theme you would like us to cover in a future session, please feel free to email us with your request. And if you'd like us to deliver a similar webinar for staff in your school or trust, please email Denise Barrows
Do check back regularly for new webinars. If you'd like to invite a colleague to a particular session, please email us their details and we'll send them an invite directly.
1.30 p.m. Wednesday 26 February 2025 Championing feedback
We all know the importance of feedback in creating a vibrant teaching and learning culture in schools, yet many leaders feel uncertain and under-skilled in giving feedback to their colleagues and struggle to establish a strong, self-sustaining feedback culture across their school or trust team. In this webinar, with Jo Lally, we will look at:
- The benefits of building a strong feedback culture and the three steps needed to achieve this
- What holds us back from asking for or giving feedback
- How to receive feedback well (and help others to do so)
- How to give feedback for maximum impact
26 February
1:30 p.m.
to 3:00 p.m.
Championing feedback Reserve your slot
Sign up below to attend this webinar.
10:30a.m. Tuesday, 11 March 2025 Re-energise
Learn how to manage your energy levels to give your leadership a boost
No matter how well we manage our time, we don’t often consider how to manage our energy, yet without energy, it’s impossible to be at our best and engage fully with what we’re doing. Although most of us will sometimes operate on auto-pilot, we are not robots who can sustain the production of good work from long, exhausting hours forever. Instead we must balance our energy expenditure with energy renewal practices. Those attending this webinar, to be facilitated by Jo Lally, will:
- Understand the key principles behind energy management and four important sources of energy that we can all tap into
- Consider how you can manage and restore your own energy levels going forward
- Gain some helpful tips to support you in creating new habits that will help to boost your energy levels
11 March
10:30 a.m.
to 12:00 p.m.
Reserve your slot
Sign up below to attend this webinar
1:30 p.m. Tuesday 1 April 2025 Leading Change
We live in a world of constant change and this certainly plays out in our schools – from new policy directives and curriculum changes to the integration of new technology and changing student intakes. Yet many school leaders face a range of both internal and external barriers to effectively managing change. They are charged with maintaining stability whilst also implementing reforms and expected to balance urgent operational needs with long-term strategic changes. In this webinar, delivered by Jo Lally, we will explore the nature of change today, your own particular relationship to change and how to build change-readiness and overcome resistance amongst your team. We will cover:
- The nature of change and why it is important
- Common relationships to change and how to build greater change-readiness
- How to inspire your colleagues to action around your change priorities
- Why people resist change and the three elements that are needed to overcome this
1st April
1:30 p.m.
to 3:00 p.m.
Leading Change Reserve your slot
Sign up below to attend this webinar.
Our webinar speakers and facilitators
Jo Lally, Leadership Coach and Facilitator
Jo has a wealth of experience as a leadership consultant, coach and facilitator, working across both corporate and education sectors. For BTS Spark she regularly supports trust leaders and their teams, and delivers webinars and workshops on a huge range of topics including powerful conversations, trust and collaboration, leadership presence, coaching skills, focus and prioritisation, feedback, and visioning and strategic execution, to name a few. Jo is a highly personable and engaging facilitator who mixes natural high energy with the ability to slow down and enable genuine connection and curiosity amongst participants, whilst bringing key concepts to life and eliciting important new insights.

Denise Barrows, Head of BTS Spark UK
Denise is an experienced leader with a strong track record of leading far-reaching education, social impact and leadership initiatives, grants programmes and organisations. Prior to joining BTS Spark, Denise worked for ten years as Head of Education for two national grant-making bodies, leading a number of innovative philanthropic initiatives and grants programmes, and as a consultant and advisor to grant-making foundations. Her career prior to that included roles as Director of a national youth development charity, as founding Director of an education-business partnership which provided a range of careers, work-related learning and enterprise programmes for schools and colleges in the London Borough of Hackney, and as Assistant Director for Bristol Education Action Zone.