~ Alumni Network Update ~ Summer 2024
BTS Spark news, alumni offers, leadership tips and insights, programme opportunities, events, case studies and more ...

New Leadership programme Heads Rising
An innovative new programme for new and aspiring headteachers.
Places have just been opened up for this experiential 10-month programme, which combines group sessions and 1:1 support. Designed to inspire and challenge, participants will gain powerful new insights into their own leadership practice and potential; unleash renewed energy and confidence in navigating towards or through headship; and join a wonderful support network of fellow leaders.
Exclusive Alumni Network opportunity Alumni Network+
Significant savings for UK Alumni
Our brand new Alumni+ offer is set to kick off in September and registration is open now.
The 2024-25 Alumni Network+ package includes a whole set of benefits and, in addition, guarantees you a huge 20% discount for your whole school, college or trust on what are already not-for-profit prices.
This includes any BTS Spark coaching or leadership programme, including workshops. You can mix and match to both suit the needs of your team and to continue your own personal leadership journey.

Leadership insights Embracing MESSY Leadership
Our latest book hits the shelves!
School leadership is MESSY! Our insights from thousands of coaching conversations with school leaders reinforces this.
School leaders have always needed to juggle multiple demands on their time, but as the pace of change increases, the need to become more adaptive, collaborative and future-focused is growing. This has prompted us to conceive the M.E.S.S.Y approach to school leadership ...
Leadership InsightsUnlocking leadership potential
The top 5 development needs of school leaders and how to tackle them
Do you know what would make the biggest difference to the development and effectiveness of your leaders? When it comes to the human side of leadership (ie. the challenges of leading others and maintaining your own personal wellbeing and effectiveness), chances are that it’s one of a few, very common needs ...

Case Study Trust Leaders' Residential
Leadership inspiration, support, connection and challenge for trust leaders ...
If you're leading a trust, who do you go to for leadership support? A highlight of our BTS Spark calendar over the past three years has been the annual Trust Leaders’ Residential, which we facilitate for members of Challenge Partners Trust Leaders’ Network. These powerful two-day events bring trust leaders together to share, reflect on and deepen their understanding of their own leadership – and explore ways in which it can be developed for greater impact.
Read our case study to learn more and see comments from attendees below.
"The residential was by far one of the most powerfully affecting events I've attended. It was obvious, from the outset, that it had been expertly crafted to allow us all to step out of our day-to-day concerns and focus on our own effectiveness as leaders – something we so rarely have the luxury of time to do! The workshop facilitators were exceptionally skilled at creating a safe space in which we could all explore deep introspection – we got so much out of the two days as a result".
James Higham
CEO, Transforming Lives Education Trust
"This residential was superb. We had a rare opportunity to reflect on ourselves, think about our practice and develop opportunities for our trusts. It was a rare opportunity to properly get to know other Trust Leaders and learn from each other. The input from the facilitators was very high quality and drawn from modern global leadership practice".
Gavin Henderson
CEO, Windsor Learning Partnership
"Great challenge about planning for the future, considering legacy and becoming more literate in relation to AI. The ongoing coaching in pairs and small groups was very useful and gave food for thought about working with teams in our Trust".
Dave Baker
CEO, Olympic Academy Trust
"This is an opportunity for deep, supported personal reflection on leadership styles and behaviours and the impact these have on self and others. The experience was personally transformational balanced with practical outcomes through peer coaching on key issues".
Annie Wiles
CEO, Aquila Academies Trust
"The residential provides a reflective space for exploration, support, challenge and innovative thinking. No other course, conference or training provides Trust Leaders with an opportunity to gain such an insightful and privileged opportunity to deeply analyse the key aspects of how we think, behave and act in order to accelerate our personal and professional development to tackle the many challenges that we face across the sector".
Sharon Burt
CEO, Solent Academy Trust
"It gave me the confidence to deal with a number of challenging situations which will support Trust viability and growth".
Ian Tucker
CEO, Magna Learning Partnership
Alumni Network Opportunities Events and Opportunities
See below for details of upcoming events, offers and opportunities
Win a free copy of our latest book
We're giving away five free copies of our brand new book Embracing MESSY Leadership! The book is full of practical tips and tools to help school leaders lead effectively in an increasingly complex world. Simply follow the link below and enter your details. The draw is open to all UK Alumni, but hurry, you've only got until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 31 July to put your name in the hat. The winners will be randomly selected and informed by email. Good luck!
Help us champion our mission
As a social impact organisation our mission is to provide schools with access to world-class leadership coaching at not-for-profit prices, so every school leader feels confident, resourceful and empowered. If this resonates with you please help us spread the word by introducing us to a school, college or trust leader whose team might benefit from our help. My direct contact details are at the foot of this page. As a thank you, all referees will be automatically entered into a termly draw to win three complimentary 60-minute coaching sessions.
Join our free Leadership Circles
Join these free, confidential small group sessions, specifically for our alumni, to seek support and guidance on current leadership challenges from a BTS Spark coach and a small group of peers. Coaches Jean Crawford, Karen Muir, Louise Norris and Kevin Whichello will be offering Leadership Circles throughout the Autumn Term. Book your places through our Coach platform.
Become a BTS Spark Ambassador!
We are looking for two or three school or trust leaders who are passionate advocates of our coaching and leadership development work, having experienced the benefits first-hand, and would be willing to join our new Ambassador Team. This is a paid role, requiring only three or four days of time a year, and involves sharing your experience of coaching and the impact for you and your school or trust – be that through writing articles, taking part in a podcast, or perhaps speaking at an event. To express an interest and find out more, use the link below to get in touch.